Siro Abhyanga
It is a soothing massage of the head, neck & shoulder for 30 minutes using warm herbal oils.
Duration of treatment: 30 minutes
Benificial for following conditions;
- Insomnia, Brings sound sleep
- Cooling to the eyes
- Headache
- Removes dandruff
- Pre-mature graying & hair loss
- Profoundly soothing and relaxing

Siro Pichu
Medicated oil is applied to the head in a special manner.
Duration of treatment: 45 minutes
Benificial for following conditions;
- Facial palsy
- Headache
- Insomnia
- Improves memory
- Dermatitis of the scalp
- Dandruff
- Other neurological disorders Paralysis
- Skin disorders such as Eczema

Siro Dhara(Dripping of oil on the forehead):
It is an amazingly relaxing therapy which uses a steady stream of warm medicated oils (Tail Dhara) or medicated buttermilk (Takra Dhara) using special devices to flow rhythmically across the forehead. This is usually done after Abhyangam. This therapy provides considerable relief from mental stress & psychosomatic disorders. It soothes your body and mind & induces sound sleep.
Duration of treatment: 45 minutes
Benificial for following conditions;
- Premature graying of hairs
- Fatigue
- Infirmity and emaciation
- Head-ache
- Lack of vitality
- Pricking pains of palms and soles
- Diabetic neuropathy
- ENT diseases
- Alleviate Vata, pitta & kapha
- Improving the power of all sense organs
- Insanity

Siro Vasti
Shirovasthi is the procedure where in the medicated oil is retained on the head for a prescribed period.
Duration of treatment: 45 to 60 minutes
Benificial for following conditions;
- Head-ache
- Dryness of the scalp
- Itching on the head
- ENT diseases
- Certain skin conditions of the scalp
- Burning sensation on the head
- Diseases of the head
- Cracking of the skin of the scalp & hair fall
- Facial paralysis
- Diseases of the eye due to weakness of nerves
- Insanity and other mental disorders

Medicinal powder mixed with herbal oil is applied on the crown or forehead. Different kinds of thalam are used according the nature of the illness.
Duration of the treatment is 45 min. for 14 to 28 days.
Thalam is an effective treatment for ENT Problems, Insomnia, Migraine, Hypertension, Skin diseases etc. It also cures conditions such as lack of memory, inability to concentrate, lack of will power etc.

Thalapothichil is a special procedure of application of medicated paste on the head. Thalapothichil is from Malayalam where thala refers to head and pothichil is covering. It is the traditional Ayurveda treatment of Kerala which is very effective in various psychosomatic disorders. Basically Thalapothichil is cooling treatment.
- The person is made to sit in an easy position. A gentle oil massage is given to head with specific medicated oil. Herbal paste is freshly prepared by cooking it with the buttermilk after carefully assessing the condition of the person. The paste is applied over the scalp in a layer of thickness of about 0.5 to 1 centimeter, leaving a small central portion. Medicated oil is filled in this groove. The paste is then covered with leaves (plantain or lotus leaf) and cloth leaving the groove open. At the end of the procedure the paste is removed; a gentle head massage is given.Duration of the treatment: 30 minutes to 45 minutes depending on the condition.Benefits:
- Corrects imbalance of pitta Dosha
- Relaxes and calms down the mind; has a soothing effect on the body
- Stabilizes the nervous system
- Activates the Marma (vital areas) points
- Relieves stress, tension, heaviness of the head
- Improves quality of sleep
- Improves lustre and smoothness of hair
- Improves memory
- Relaxes, rejuvenates and nourishes the head and neck region.
Thalapothichil is indicated in:
- Insomnia and sleep disorders
- Hypertension
- Chronic headaches like migraines
- Burning sensation of the body
- Certain skin diseases of scalp like dermatitis of scalp, dandruff, hair loss
- Premature graying of hair
- Epilepsy
- Chronic sinusitis
- Anxiety, depression