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PanchaKarma. What is it?

Panchakarma is a Sanskrit word that means five actions or; five treatments. Panchakarma Treatment” is the most famous detoxification process of “Ayurveda“.

It is one of the unique therapeutic procedures in Ayurveda advocated for the radical elimination of Disease causing factors and to maintain the Equilibrium of Doshas. It includes five natural methods of purgation or elimination, giving the body intensive detoxification while balancing the three doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

It is the process that gets to the root cause of the problem and corrects the essential balance of Tridosha in the body by eliminating deep-rooted stress and illness-causing toxins from the body.

Panchakarma (Purification Therapy) deals mainly with the removal of toxins and waste materials from the body to purify the biological system from gross channels to eradicate the disease completely.  It is helpful in the prevention of disease, preservation and promotion of health, as well as the management of psychosomatic, neurological, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and many other chronic degenerative diseases and autogenic conditions.  Panchakarma plays a vital role in Ayurvedic therapeutics and occupies an important place in the Ayurvedic system of medicine.

Panchkarma is intended not only for the elimination of the toxins but also for the replacement of the tissues. These therapies are very significant as with these treatments not only the disease is cured but also prevent relapse. All the Panchkarma procedures are indicated both in healthy person and diseased. In healthy person this is done with the purpose of preventing the disease and in diseased for cure of illness. we have a kerala massage center in dwarka


The whole procedure of Panchakarma is divided into 3 steps:

Under pre-operative management, the doshas are liquefied by internal and external oleation by medicated ghee or oil, Abhyangam and Swedanam is followed by main purification processes for the elimination of toxins from the body.


Snehana, or Oleation Therapy, is an integral process that prepares the body to receive specialized Panchakarma treatment in Ayurveda.


Snehan refers to the administration of medicated fats or the massage of oil over the skin for a specific period.


Swedanam is a unique Ayurveda therapy for revitalising and nourishing the skin. Steam bath helps perspiration of the body, resulting the skin eliminating toxins

This is the main treatment stage. It involves five stages of purification, which essentially relates to the term Panchakarma.


It is the process of drug-induced vomiting to expel mainly the vitiated Kapha dosha from the body. Purvakarma procedure like oleation & sweating is essential for this therapy.


Virechana therapy facilitates the elimination of Vitiated Pitta from the body. It is the process of elimination of toxic matter from the intestines by administrating therapeutic purgation or a therapeutic laxative.


Vasti (Enema) is considered as Main Treatment among Panchakarma treatments since it cleanses the accumulated toxins of all the 3 doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha, through the colon.


The inhalation of medicated oil through the nostrils, eliminating any excess of dosha, accumulated in the sinus, throat, nose or head areas.


The procedure of allowing the blood to bleed for therapeutic purpose is known by the name of Raktamoshana. Mainly used in Kushatha, Visarpa, Skin Eruption, Jaundice, Scabies, Pigmentation of the face, excessive sleep, bad body odour.

Under post- operative management, various types of dietetics and disciplined living for a few days after the treatment methods are to be followed.


Samsarjana Krama is a special type of dietetic regimen explained in Ayurveda. It is a graduated form of dietetic protocol in which, form of food is gradually graduated from liquid to semisolid form and from semisolid to solid and normal food.

Rasyana Chikitsa

Rasayana is one of its eight branches being practiced since time immemorial. Rasayana therapy has been described in Ayurved as a systematic and scientific medical discipline.

Purva Karma (Pre Operative)

Under pre-operative management, the doshas are liquefied by internal and external oleation by medicated ghee or oil, Abhyangam and Swedanam is followed by main purification processes for the elimination of toxins from the body.


Snehana, or Oleation Therapy, is an integral process that prepares the body to receive specialized Panchakarma treatment in Ayurveda.


Snehan refers to the administration of medicated fats or the massage of oil over the skin for a specific period.


Swedanam is a unique Ayurveda therapy for revitalising and nourishing the skin. Steam bath helps perspiration of the body, resulting the skin eliminating toxins

Pradhan Karma (Main Procedures)

This is the main treatment stage. It involves five stages of purification, which essentially relates to the term Panchakarma.


It is the process of drug-induced vomiting to expel mainly the vitiated Kapha dosha from the body. Purvakarma procedure like oleation & sweating is essential for this therapy.


Virechana therapy facilitates the elimination of Vitiated Pitta from the body. It is the process of elimination of toxic matter from the intestines by administrating therapeutic purgation or a therapeutic laxative.


Vasti (Enema) is considered as Main Treatment among Panchakarma treatments since it cleanses the accumulated toxins of all the 3 doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha, through the colon.


The inhalation of medicated oil through the nostrils, eliminating any excess of dosha, accumulated in the sinus, throat, nose or head areas.


The procedure of allowing the blood to bleed for therapeutic purpose is known by the name of Raktamoshana. Mainly used in Kushatha, Visarpa, Skin Eruption, Jaundice, Scabies, Pigmentation of the face, excessive sleep, bad body odour.

Paschat Karma (Post Operative)

Under post- operative management, various types of dietetics and disciplined living for a few days after the treatment methods are to be followed.


Samsarjana Krama is a special type of dietetic regimen explained in Ayurveda. It is a graduated form of dietetic protocol in which, form of food is gradually graduated from liquid to semisolid form and from semisolid to solid and normal food.

Rasyana Chikitsa

Rasayana is one of its eight branches being practiced since time immemorial. Rasayana therapy has been described in Ayurved as a systematic and scientific medical discipline.

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